Dr. Gabriel S. Pellathy, PhD, JD
April 28, 1933 - October 22, 2024
Dr. Gabriel S. Pellathy, PhD, JD, professor emeritus, distinguished professor of political science and fellow of the McKenna School of Business, Economics, and Government passed away peacefully with his wife holding his hand.
Born in Hungary, Dr. Pellathy was the only son of Dr. Stephen and Helen Pellathy. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Columbia College of Columbia University in 1954 and his JD with a specialization in international law from Cornell University Law School in 1957. He met his wife, Emőke, in Washington, D.C., in 1968, and they wed in 1969. He received his PhD in political science from New York University in 1971.
A Fulbright Fellow, Dr. Pellathy taught at several universities before joining the faculty of Saint Vincent College in 1978. He taught political science and prelaw to thousands of Saint Vincent students over the years and served in numerous roles, including department chair and president of Faculty Council from 1992-1994. In 1997, he founded the award-winning Mock Trial Team, and in November 2004, he established the Alpha Gamma Beta Chapter of the Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society. His lectures in state and local government and national, constitutional, environmental, and business law served as an inspiration to many students pursuing their careers in government service, and several generations of lawyers in the region are grateful for his easy grading and tough coaching for Mock Trial. For his dedication to Saint Vincent, Dr. Pellathy was named an honorary alumnus of the College by the Saint Vincent College Alumni Association.
A devoted member of Saint Vincent Parish, Dr. Pellathy lived out his faith as an example to his seven children. He is survived by his wife, his children and their spouses, eighteen grandchildren, his sister and brother-in-law, and a large extended family in the US and Hungary.
Dr. James V. Maher, PhD
August 25, 1942 - November 21, 2024
Dr. James V. Maher, Provost Emeritus and Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh, died peacefully at his Squirrel Hill home at the age of 82.
Born and raised in the Bronx, Maher was thoroughly devoted to his Catholic faith, which he deeply infused into both his family and professional life. Throughout his career, he contributed time and talent to the Catholic church, ultimately serving as chair of the Board of Regents of the Saint Vincent Seminary, along with serving on the boards of Saint Vincent College, the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, and the board of the Pittsburgh East Regional Catholic Elementary Schools.
Maher is survived by his wife, Angela Braunstein Maher, to whom he felt blessed to be married for fifty-eight years. Family always was his highest priority, and he also was deeply devoted to and very proud of his children and grandchildren. He is also survived by his daughter and son-in-law, Robin and John Maier; by his son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Andrea Maher; and by six grandchildren.
In Memoriam
Charles Hess, C’70, passed away on September 7, 2024
Gustave Wolf, P’56, C’61, passed away on October 5, 2024
Paul Gutmann, C’54, passed away on October 21, 2024
Dr. Wylie Overly, passed away on October 21, 2024
Robert “Bob” Merrill, Jr., C’70, passed away on October 26, 2024
S. Robert Fatora, C’66, passed away on October 29, 2024
Tyler Mears, C’20, passed away on November 7, 2024
James Patrick Salmon, C’62, passed away on January 17, 2024.
Jim SIlvis , C’62, passed away on February 10, 2024.
Dr. John Stramat, C’76, passed away on February 13, 2024.
Fr. Gabriel Coless, C’53, passed away on February 12, 2024.
Edmund DiPasquale, C’58, passed away on February 20, 2024.
Vincent Pecoraro, C’61, passed away on February 23, 2023.
Charles Tyson, C’63, passed away on March 7, 2024.
Stephen Summers, C’80, passed away on March 9, 2024.
August Klein, Sr., C’57, passed away on March 9, 2024.
Rev. Joseph Kurutz, C’55, S’59, passed away on March 12, 2024.
John Bialon, C’87, passed away on March 16, 2024.
Michael Sheehy, C 72. He attended Saint Vincent College until 1970 and was the uncle of Megan (Sheehy) Melucci, C’89 and Colleen (Kelly) DeGroot, C’97. He passed away on March 18, 2024.
Condolences to Melissa Hayes, C’97, on the passing of her father, Ronald Hayes, Sr.
James Japalucci, C’75, passed away on March 25, 2024.
Nicholas DiCuccio, P’60, C’64, passed away on March 26, 2024.
Regis Stana, C’59, passed away on March 30, 2024.
Condolences to Rick Mittereder, C’75, Ginny Clark Mittereder, on the passing of their son, Eric Clark Mittereder.
H. Lee Printz, Jr., C’75 passed away on April 11, 2024.
Paul Milza, C’51, passed away on March 28, 2024.
David Bridge, C’71, passed away on April 26, 2024.
William Danko, C’51, passed away on April 19, 2024.
Robert Racko, C’68, passed away on May 19, 2024.
Vincent Kuharic, C’70, passed away on May 10, 2024.
James Bokros, C’90, passed away on April 25, 2024.
Marley Case, C’15, passed away on May 12, 2024.
Peter Staab, C’89, passed away on May 1, 2024.
Angelo Massaro, Jr., C’74, passed away on January 17, 2024.
Michael Peretto, C’62, passed away on June 25, 2024.
Austin Noll, Jr., C’65, passed away on June 17, 2024.
Hon. William Baughman, C’71, passed away on July 6, 2024.
Dr. James Gyurke, C’82, passed away on July 8, 2024.
Condolences to Dr. Beth (Troy) Summerville, C’01, on the passing of her father, Benedict Troy, on July 15, 2024.
William Vincent Kenda, P’60, passed away on June 13, 2024.
Joseph Rubino, C’50, passed away on July 27, 2024.
Tom Durishan, C’75, passed away on August 2, 2024.
Joseph Narduzzi, C’98, passed away on August 18, 2024.
Domenico Schiano di Cola, C’17, passed away on August 6, 2024.
Terry Murphy, C’67, passed away on August 29, 2024.
Charles Hess, C’70, passed away on September 7, 2024.
Thomas Romanik, P’55, passed away on August 25, 2024.
Gustave Wolf, P’56, C’61, passed away on October 5, 2024.
Honorary member of our Saint Vincent College community, Dr. Wylie Overly, passed away on October 21, 2024.
Retired college professor, Dr. Gabriel Pellathy, passed away on October 22, 2024.
Robert “Bob” Merrill, Jr., C’70, passed away on October 26, 2024.
Stephen Fatora, C’66, passed away on October 29, 2024.
Paul Gutmann, C’54, passed away on October 21, 2024.
Condolences to Robert Rutkowski, C’66, on the passing of his wife, Louise Rutkowski on May 6, 2024.
Joseph Stonestreet, C’58, passed away on August 15, 2024.
Tyler Mears, C’20, passed away on November 7, 2024.
Condolences to Amy Jo Slater, C’97, on the passing of her mother, Dolores Slater on November 15, 2024.
Condolences to Lou Pangrazi, C’81 and Ron Pangrazi, C’84, on the passing of their mother, Evelyn Pangrazi, on November 22, 2024.
Condolences to Anthony T. Serra, P’62, C’66, on the passing of his wife, Patricia Johnston Serra, on November 29, 2024. Her obituary can be found at Cremation Society of Virginia.
Arthur Metz, Jr., C’82, passed away on December 11, 2024.
Dr. Richard Dewey, C’51, passed away on December 4, 2024.
Kevin Fitzgibbons, C’70, passed away on May 17, 2023.
Condolences to Rev. Clark Kerr III, on the passing of his wife, Jane Kerr, on December 29, 2024.
Tom Wandrisco, college friend, passed away on December 15, 2024.
William McGarrity, H’13, passed away on January
Dr. Richard Reilly, Sr., C’57, passed away on January 16, 2025.
Joel Scheib, P’55, C’59, passed away on January 20, 2025.
Lee Hojak, C’62, passed away on January 16, 2025.
Condolences to Dr. Louis Vodzak’s, C’58, for the passing of his sister, Eleanor Steffanina, who passed away on January 26, 2025.
Condolences to Atty. William J. Miller, Jr., C’63, Michelle Miller-Kotula, C’90, and Malley Miller Kotula, C’25, for the passing of Joyce Miller who passed away on February 2, 2025.
Condolences to Richard Pish, M.D., C’81, for the passing of his mother, Dolores Pish, who passed away on February 7, 2025.
Condolences to Bernie Skubak, C’73 and Dick Skubak, C’81, for the passing of their mother, Nellie Skubak, who passed away on February 8, 2025.
Michael Vajdic, C’73, passed away on February 10, 2025.
Stanley Akins, C’56, passed away on February 11, 2025.
William McInerney, P’55, passed away on February 2, 2025.
H. Martin Westfall, C’56, passed away on February 18, 2025.
Dr. Paul Harvey, C’65, passed away on February 19, 2025.
Joseph Loftis, P’59, C 63 passed away on February 22, 2025.
Joseph Mulroy, C’60, passed away on February 26, 2025.
Kevin McAndrew, C’71, passed away on March 6, 2025.
Dr. Eric Caccamo, C’92, passed away on March 8, 2025.
James Kane, C’65, passed away on March 10, 2025.