Meet Our Team

1846: The Magazine of Saint Vincent College is produced by the Office of Marketing & Communications at Saint Vincent College with the support of many friends and colleagues throughout the SVC community.

1846 Winter 2025, Vol. 3, No. 1

Archabbot and Chancellor
Rt. Rev. Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B., S’85

Rev. Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., C’87, S’91

Executive Vice President/ Chief Operating Officer
Jeff Mallory, Ed.D., C’06, G’13

Vice President of Marketing
Simon Stuchlik, C’12

Morgan Paris, C’16
Institutional Marketing Manager

Art Director
George Fetkovich, C’80

Ellie Powell, C’22

Contributing Writers
Rob Biertempfel
David Collins, C’24
Guy Davis
Dr. Jerome C. Foss
Dr. Andrew Herr
Sue Hozak
Ryan Hrobak, C’12
Dr. Jessica L. D. Jones
Andrew Julo

Liz Palmer

On the cover
Tradition and modernity collide in an illustrative portrait of Saint Benedict by designer Donovan Baxter, C’24.

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