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Rock Solid

Rock Solid
Perhaps the most obvious structure on campus with a rock-solid foundation—both figuratively and literally—is the Basilica. The pink Indiana limestone base contains many rocks over six feet wide, while the huge cornerstone was quarried from a local farm. The stable foundation supports the millions of bricks that the monks hand-formed using the reddish orange clay dug from nearby deposits.

The Construction of the Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica
The construction of the Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica was completed in 1905 . . . or was it? Unfortunately, due to a lack of funds, the front spires, which were a part of the original design of the church, were never installed—meaning it would be another ninety-four years before construction the Basilica was truly complete.

The early years of photography
The early years of photography utilized glass rather than paper as a foundation upon which negatives were printed. Using glass allowed for a sharper, more stable and detailed image from which multiple photographs could then be produced. This type of photography...

The Benedictine Communities
The Benedictine communities founded by Boniface Wimmer in America were devoted to the service of God, the pursuit of learning, and the education of youth. Before those directives could be fully implemented, however...

The first women employed at Saint Vincent
Under the leadership of Mother Leonardo Fritz, O.S.B., ten Benedictine Sisters arrived in Latrobe on February 25, 1931. Archabbot Alfred Loch, O.S.B., had invited the sisters to live and work on the campus of Saint Vincent. Thus began a fifty-six-year period of service to the Saint Vincent community...