Peter Feng, C’23

Peter Feng with wife, Irene, and son, Anselm in front of a Nativity scene with Christmas trees in the background and poinsettias on each side.

A Shared Mobility

Coincidence, circumstance, and connections have guided Peter Feng’s, C’23, life in more ways than one. Originally from Beijing, China, Peter chose to attend SVC after speaking with a priest who had graduated from SVC and returned to Beijing. Through the community, Peter made lots of new connections, ones that aided him in receiving the Philosophy Award for Academic Excellence.

As graduation drew near, Peter realized he was not sure where he wished to go next. Although he wanted to go to graduate school, none of the American colleges were ideal. Coincidently, Peter happened to make a valuable connection while at SVC: The Joneses. Dr. Jessica Jones’ husband, Patrick Jones, was a student of the rector of Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Father Thomas Joseph White. A few emails later, and Peter and his family moved to Rome to study at that same university.

Now, Peter lives in Rome with his wife, Irene, and their son, Anselm, while Peter studies to receive his Baccalaureate in sacred theology. He hopes to become a professor or minister to his church in China, and, as Peter continues to make connections, there is little doubt that he will have trouble finding his way there.

Photo: Peter Feng with wife, Irene, and son, Anselm.


Josh Kearns, C’09